Monday, January 19, 2015

5 Tips to Choose Corporate Gifts with Big Impact

There are few things that are more important to a business than keeping clients happy or showing employees that you really appreciate them. Sending gifts to clients is a great way to show your appreciation for their business and to keep your company's name on clients mind. 

It's even better if your gift says something about your company and its value that also match with client's value. But, the challenge is to find something that has universal appeal, something client's favorite and fits your budget. 

So how would you choose the right Corporate Gifts Canada to send your clients?

Do Your Self
Do your homework first and start by writing down the values you want to project to your clients. You should know that sending a custom t-shirt creates a different effect than sending a branded wine bottle. Make sure, whatever you consider, the Corporate gift should reinforce your relation with the client. 

Research on Client
Next know the values your clients hold. Sending any gift seems like a nice gesture, but sending corporate gift that align with your values will be more effective and valuable. It will demonstrate that you are taking care of their likes and dislikes. 

Check Company’s Gifting Policy
Corporate Gifts are always appreciated but, there are many business that have their own gifting policies and protocols. Before sending any corporate gift to any organization, it is quite better to know the gifting policies first. 

Narrow Your Selection
After collecting meaningful information, narrow your selection by eliminating that your clients is not likely to use some corporate gifts or want. If you are not sure what your client will want or need; focus on items that are generally used.  

Stick to Your Budget
Set the budget that what you want to spend on each clients. Give more importance to your top clients and spend little more on them. 

No matter what gift you ultimately choose; take your time to think about your clients values and the image you want to project will help your gift have more impact. 


  1. For business clients, ordering corporate gifts online is an excellent way to ensure that they will be well received
    corporate gifts under 3000

  2. A big company with an impressive portfolio will probably have the most experienced staff.
    best corporate
